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Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service

Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a free, informal and confidential service providing support and guidance to all of our patients, their carers and families. 

You can contact our PALS team for support at any time.

Phone number  0118 904 3467

 Email address  PALS@berkshire.nhs.uk

What we do

We can:

  • Offer you, your families and carers confidential help and support
  • Provide you with information about the NHS and help with any health related queries
  • Show you how you can get more involved in your own healthcare and the NHS locally
  • Provide information on support groups, voluntary organisations and advocacy groups
  • Help resolve problems and concerns when you're using NHS services
  • Liaise with other professionals and organisations on your behalf
  • Provide information on the NHS complaints procedure and how to get independent support if you're making a formal complaint

We also collect information and feedback on services, including your concerns, suggestions and experiences, to help improve our services and provide an early warning of any gaps or problems with our services.