Using special characters
You can use some special characters – however the online referral form is designed to keep the identifiable information you submit safe. This means there are certain characters that you will not be able to use. We will alert you if you try to submit a disallowed character. For example: you will not be able to enter '1:1' you will need to enter 1 to 1 or one to one etc. The online form gives guidance on what characters are accepted. The special characters accepted are : - ' ; , . ( )
Copying and pasting text
You can copy and paste text into the form, although there would be an issue if it contained a special character that was not valid, and this would need to be removed.
Saving the form
The online form retains the information as long as you keep the page open – however not if you close the page. The form does not have a save function, however if you keep the webpage open, the information you have put into the form will not be lost. Please not close the website or the information you have added will be lost.
We have made some changes to our referral process for our Children and Young People's Autism and ADHD services.
The most important thing is to put support in place straight away – this can happen without diagnosis, assessment or referral. This means that needs-based support can be put in place as early as possible, regardless of diagnosis.
Once you have been through this guidance and still feel an assessment would help, and have filled in the relevant additional information form, you can then go ahead and make a referral using our online form.
Please read the relevant service information below, and make a referral if needed. Then come back to review the information on ADHD or autism support. Please do not delay requesting help for mental health or other concerns, as these referrals can be made immediately.
If your child is developing difficulties with their mental health, the first level of help and support we offer is through our Schools Mental Health Support Teams (MHST), or if your child's school does not have an MHST, through our Community Getting Help services.
If you live in the East of Berkshire, these services are provided by Berkshire Healthcare.
If you live in the West of Berkshire, the services are still NHS-funded CAMH services but they are delivered by your Local Authority, rather than Berkshire Healthcare.
Find out here if your child's school has an allocated Mental Health Support Team (opens in new window).
If your child/young person is on roll in one of the schools listed, or is part of the Slough NEET provision, please contact the school to discuss support.
If your child/young person is not at one of the schools listed, make a referral to the early help hub for your area:
Find out more about these services below, and on the Mental Health Support Team and Getting Help Team page.
If you or someone else has seriously injured themselves, taken an overdose, or you are worried about you or someone else's immediate safety:
If it's not a 999 emergency, but you need urgent mental health support fast, you can:
If you are already using CAMHS, contact us directly during 9am-5pm. We will talk to you about how best to meet your needs.
Anxiety Disorders Treatment Team: 0118 904 4665
Children, Young People and Families Berkshire Eating Disorders Service: 0118 904 3010
CAMHS Children in Care Team: 0118 904 6780
CAMHS Learning Disability Team: 01189 046660
Phoenix Unit Tier 4 Alternative to Admission Service: 0118 904 6888
Mental Health Support Teams & Getting Help Teams, Bracknell, Slough & Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead: 0300 247 3002
Specialist Community Teams (SCTs):
Getting Help Team
The Getting Help Team offer brief, focused evidence-based interventions in the form of CBT support and guided self-help with children and young people who demonstrate mild/moderate anxiety or low mood.
If the child is under 12 years this intervention may be primarily with the parents. If the child is 12 years plus the interventions are predominantly with the young person.
Referrals can be completed by GP, parents/carers, school staff, young people or any other organisation that the child/young person is known to. All referrals come through via the Early Help Hub within each locality.
Mental Health Support Teams
Mental Health Support Teams offer evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy-informed interventions to children and young people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression similar to the Getting Help Team detailed above, however a practitioner known as an Education Mental Health Practitioner is based within certain schools within the borough.
The criteria that must be met for a referral to the Early Interventions in Psychosis Team are:
We usually do not accept referrals for:
Those considered in an At Risk mental state will have the following criteria:
With at least one of the following:
If you need to make a referral for a young person with a moderate to severe learning disability who is experiencing a significant emotional or mental health need and/or significant challenging behaviours associated with a mental health need, please fill in our referral form.
Our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides support, advice, guidance and treatment for children and young people with severe or moderate mental health difficulties whose symptoms are having a significant impact in their day to day lives. Usually, these symptoms will have been occurring over several months and won’t have responded to prevention and early intervention services, such as counselling and behaviour support, evidence-based parenting or treatment from primary mental health workers.
Certain conditions (such as bedwetting, family relationship difficulties and obesity) should not be referred to CAHMS unless there is evidence of other severe mental health concerns at the same time. These conditions are better dealt with via specialist clinics, your local authority’s education services, GP, or the Local Offer for your area (opens in new window).
Our HealthHub team is available from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday if you need to talk to someone about a young person prior to making a referral.
We accept referrals from health, education, children’s services colleagues, parents and carers. Young people can also self-refer if they are over 16.
Please read the CAMHS referral criteria (PDF, opens in new window) carefully before you go ahead and make a referral using the link below.
Referral consent statement
Berkshire Healthcare CAMHS are committed to providing patient-centred care. As part of this commitment, we work in partnership with a range of local organisations, including local authority services, voluntary and community services and the University of Reading, who are also funded by the NHS to provide emotional wellbeing and mental healthcare for children and young people across Berkshire. Our collaboration involves sharing relevant health information and data to improve patient outcomes.
In some cases, we may signpost or refer you to other agencies that are funded by the NHS to provide the services that will best meet your needs. In other cases, you may be seen by a clinician from one of our trusted partners who is working alongside us on activities such as reviewing and triaging referrals and delivering clinical treatments that support the delivery of a streamlined pathway of care, to ensure that children, young people and their families are supported to access the right help and support as quickly and efficiently as possible.
If it is felt that it will best meet your needs we will refer you to our trusted partner, the University of Reading AnDY (Anxiety and Depression in Young People) Clinic, to provide NHS-funded emotional wellbeing, mental healthcare. This includes sharing relevant health information and data in line with data protection laws and regulations (Protecting your data (Privacy notice).
We will always make it clear to you when care is and is not being provided directly by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and we will only share your information relevant for your referral. There is no difference in the standard of care you will receive from the AnDY Clinic. Clinicians working in other NHS-funded services are qualified to provide the type of care that you need and supervised in line with NHS requirements, and Services that we work with will also process data in line with data protection laws.
The Specialist School Nursing Team offers open access to all children, parents and carers and school staff enrolled or working in the four special schools.
Other professionals working with the children and parents and carers attending one of the special schools can refer to the Specialist School Nursing Team by completing our online form (opens in new window).
Once a referral has been received and accepted, the relevant Specialist School Nurse will contact you within seven working days.
The Children's Community Nursing Team provide nursing services for children and young people up to age 18 with acute and complex nursing needs. In East Berkshire this would primarily include children with learning disabilities and an additional nursing need.
If you are a parent or carer and you feel that your child needs a referral to our Children's Community Nursing team, please visit your GP.
We accept referrals from health service providers, education professionals and social care workers if the child or young person:
If this criteria is met, please make a referral using the form below for the East or West.
Please note:
We do not accept referrals for overweight children. There is an information pack available which you can access by contacting your local dietetics team.
We provide support and advice to children and young people with their nutritional intake to promote good growth and or help manage a clinical diagnosis, such as:
Referrals to the Community Nutrition and Dietetics team must be made by a healthcare professional by completing the Community Dietetics referral form (opens in new window) and returning it to:
When making a referral, please provide details of the child or young person’s height, weight and change in weight centiles over the last six months.
For more information on our service, please visit the Community Nutrition and Dietetics page.
Our community paediatricians provide medical advice, assessments, diagnosis and treatment for children and young people in Berkshire up to age 18 (or 19, if still in specialist full time education).
Our team helps manage a range of childhood disabilities and disorders through our community clinics. We run a variety of different specialist clinics providing child-centred assessment and management of developmental problems and social communication difficulties.
We also provide statutory assessments for Child Protection, Children in Care and EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).
Our East Berkshire teams operate from our main clinics in Upton Hospital, St Marks Hospital, and the Margaret Wells-Furby Clinic in Bracknell, as well as clinics in Arbour Vale School in Slough, Manor Green School in Maidenhead and Kennel Lane School in Bracknell.
Our clinics are designed specifically for children and young people. We have child changing facilities, access for pushchairs/wheelchairs, and disabled, children and family car parking spaces at the front of our clinics. We aim to be flexible and can adapt to our patients’ clinical needs, social circumstances, ethnicity, and culture.
We accept professional referrals from Health, Education and Social Care colleagues. We do not accept direct referrals from parents/carers.
We accept referrals where the following are present:
We do not support with the following concerns:
Our occupational therapy team helps children who have difficulties doing everyday activities, such as dressing, feeding, writing, socialising and play, due to a problem with their fine motor skills, coordination and/or ability to make sense of the world around them. We also provide advice and guidance on sensory strategies, and specialist equipment such as off-the-shelf hand splints, adapted cutlery and plates, writing aids and specialist seating for schools.
Please check that all the strategies relating to their difficulties in the Health and Development section have been tried, and if you still have concerns please make a referral as below.
For more information on the assessment process please see our Occupational Therapy service page.
We accept referrals for all children and young people from 0-19 years using our online referral form (opens in new window).
We accept referrals from parents and carers, teachers, special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs), GP and other healthcare professionals.
We will only accept referrals for children who are school aged and have an EHCP (Educational, Health, Care Plan). If the child has one, you can make a referral using our online form using the link below.
For children in the west who do not have an EHCP please refer to Dingley Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Please see the Royal Berkshire Hospital website (opens in new window) for details of their referral criteria and how to contact them.
We are a small Paediatric Continence team comprising clinical nurse specialists and nursery nurses. We support children up to 19 years of age experiencing delayed toilet training, daytime wetting, treatment-resistant night time wetting and chronic constipation and/or faecal soiling, and their families.
Children and young people should receive level 1 continence input by healthcare professionals in primary care such as a health visitor, school nurse or community nurse, GP or paediatrician for a minimum of 3 months. This may include advice and support on constipation, toilet training problems or bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), to promote continence and help in the prevention of treatable conditions such as constipation.
Referrals are accepted for complex bladder and bowel problems, idiopathic constipation, day and night time wetting, and children with additional needs whose toileting has been delayed and unresponsive to level 1 input and toilet training at home.
Children and Young People can only be referred to the Paediatric Continence Service by a healthcare professional involved in their care, for example, a School Nurse, Health Visitor, GP or Paediatrician.
Please do not use the online form on this page. Referrals to the Paediatric Continence team must be made by a healthcare professional by completing the Paediatric Continence referral form (opens in new window) and returning it to:
Before referring a young person to physiotherapy, please check that all the strategies relating to their difficulties in the Health and Development section have been tried.
For more information on our service please see our Physiotherapy service pages.
Referrals can be made for children and young people 0-19 years old with a Berkshire GP. These are accepted from parents, teachers, SENCOs, GPs and other health professionals. You can make a referral using our online form (opens in new window).
Once a referral is made, it will be triaged (looked at by a clinician) to see how we can help. This may be telephone advice, signposting to other services or a local clinic/school assessment
Preschool children in Wokingham and Reading are not seen by our service. Referrals from GP’s and Consultants will need to be made directly to:
Dingley Specialist Children’s Centre
3-5 Craven Road
0118 322 5213
We do not see children with orthopaedic conditions such as painful joints/muscles, broken bones or respiratory conditions.
These are seen at Dingley for the west of the county and Wexham Park or Frimley Hospital for the east of the county.
When your child or young person is due a routine vaccination, if they attend an educational setting you will be sent a link to a consent form for the vaccination/s due from the setting. The vaccination will then be generally given in the education setting by our team.
Please complete the form in the link below to request an appointment with the School Aged Specialist Immunisation Team.
Parents and carers, health service providers, education professionals, social care workers and partnership agencies are welcome to make a request.
The referral will be assessed, and you will be contacted with details of any vaccinations that are due and how you can easily access them such as on our Health Bus, at a clinic or a specialist clinic.
Please fill in the request form here (opens in new window).
No referral is necessary for routine height and weight measurement checks completed in reception year and year 6. A referral is required for other services such as bed wetting clinics.
For more information on our school nursing service please visit the School Nursing pages.
You can make a referral to us for yourself if you are aged 13-19, or if you are a parent or carer, school or other agency. To make a referral please visit the link for your area below, fill in the form, and the team will be in touch. If you are/your child is home schooled, please use the link for the area that you live in.
Bracknell referral form (opens in new window)
Reading referral form (opens in new window)
West Berkshire referral form (opens in new window)
Wokingham referral form (opens in new window)
Please note, we do not cover Windsor and Maidenhead or Slough, you will need to contact these areas directly as below.
Slough 01753 373464 / 0800 7723578
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (opens in new window): 0300 365 6523
We accept referrals from any relevant healthcare practitioner for the following complex conditions/nutritional issues:
Referrals to the Specialist Dietetics team should be made using our online referral form (opens in new window).
When making a referral, please provide details of the child or young person’s height, weight and change in weight centiles over the last six months.
Our Speech and Language Therapy team assesses and supports children and young people with speech, language or communication difficulties. We also work with children experiencing eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
Please visit our Speech and Language Therapy pages for more information on our service.
Our phone lines will be open from 9am-3.30pm on a Tuesday and Thursday. Many issues can be helped by talking, so let’s talk! Call us on: 0118 9043700
As of 22 December 2023 the online referral form will no longer be needed to access Early Years Speech and Language Therapy Service. Therefore please do not complete a referral form, instead please contact our enquiries line to discuss your concerns with a Speech and Language Therapist when the lines open from the 9 January 2024. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our support and advice.
If you require additional support to make a phone call, please email:
If you have concerns about your child's eating, drinking and swallowing, please speak to your health visitor first, and please also visit our advice pages on food textures and finger feeding.
If you continue to have concerns, eg your child is losing weight, has repeated chest infections, refuses certain food textures, is coughing/gagging on food and/or drink, and you feel this needs further assessment, ask your health visitor or doctor for help to refer to the Eating, Drinking and Swallowing team. You can also self refer using our online form (opens in new window).
Please discuss with your child's teacher or the school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who will liaise directly with a member of the School-Age Speech and Language Therapy Team to decide the next steps.
If you have concerns about your child's eating, drinking and swallowing skills and they are school-aged, please discuss these with the SENCO at your child's school and complete our online referral form (opens in new window).
The service is accepting referrals for new Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment requests only. These referrals can only be made by Slough Borough Council. Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please discuss them with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) at your child’s school.
Please complete our online referral form (opens in new window).
If you wish to make a referral to a children and young people's service not listed above, or you wish to refer to multiple services, please do so here.