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3-6 month old baby advice

At 3-6 months old, your baby is growing fast and you might feel like there is a lot to learn. 

The Health Visiting service have created a series of video presentations to provide you with some information about key topics to consider over the next few months. You can access the information that is relevant for you, your family and your baby’s age and stage of development. 

You may want to find out more about sleep and what this looks like for a 3 month old or you may want more information about common issues such as teething, colic and your baby’s nappies! How about learning a little more about home safety and be prepared for when your little one is on the move? Or you could be looking for information and resources regarding mental health. 

Each presentation also highlights additional resources which you may find useful. 

If you have any further questions, you can always contact the Health Visiting Service using our ChatHealth text line on 07312 263283.

Watch our intoductory film here, and you can find the rest in each section below on this page. 

Further resources

There is information on Bottle feedingbreastfeeding and blogs on this topic on our website.

Start 4 Life – Breastfeeding after returning to work or study (opens in new window)

Healthy Start website (opens in new window) - get help to buy food and milk

Start 4 Life (opens in new window) - information on feeding your baby

UNICEF (opens in new window) - support on infant feeding and relationship building

La Leche League (opens in new window) - information on storing your baby's milk

Information on some common worries that parents and carers may have about their 3-6 month old baby from our Health Visiting team, including teething, nappy rash, changes in baby poo, colic, reflux, fevers and rashes.

Further resources

There's information on crying and blogs on crying across our website.

NHS information on looking after your baby's teeth (opens in new window) 

Information on the Baby Check app from the Lullaby Trust to help you to check if your baby is ill (opens in new window) 

NHS information on fevers in children (opens in new window)

At 3-6 months your baby is growing and developing fast. It's important to know that every baby is an individual and will develop at their own pace. This film talks about how to keep your baby safe as they develop, how to support their brain development and how to promote their general development.



Further resources

There's information on Typical development, steps to talking, rolling and sitting, safety and blogs on safety on our website.

Home safety information from ROSPA (opens in new window)

British Red Cross Baby and Child First aid app (opens in new window) 

Development activities for 3-6 months from Tiny Happy People (opens in new window) 

Ways to play with your baby from Start 4 Life (opens in new window)

Information the Baby Buddy app from Best Beginnings (opens in new window)

Tips for forming healthy sleep habits, and ensuring safe sleep in babies from our health visiting team.

Further resources

There's information on safe sleeping and blogs on sleep on our website. 

Helping your baby to sleep from the NHS (opens in new window) 

Lullaby Trust has lots of important information on safe sleep (opens in new window) 

Information on the BASIS  infant sleep app (opens in new window) 

Becoming a parents can impact on both our physical and emotional health and it's important to look after both.