We are pleased to announce that we have extended the hours of the Children’s Community Nursing Team in Berkshire West. On a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the service will be available from 8am to 8pm. On Monday and Friday, we’ll continue to offer a 9am-5pm service at present with the plan to extend the 8-8 provision to Monday-Friday by the beginning of January 2021.
There is no change to how you would contact us during these extended hours. Call the number below and leave a message if you reach an answerphone, or email us using the details below:
Phone: 0118 378 3932
Email: ccnwest@berkshire.nhs.uk
Our Children’s Community Nursing team provide nursing services for children and young people up to age 18 with acute and complex nursing needs across Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire. We provide nursing services within the child or young person's home or within the community.
We also offer specialist training in helping to care for your child's specific need for parents and carers within their own home, in special schools alongside the Specialist School Nurse, and in designated Local Authority Respite Centres.
Further information about the Community Children's Nursing service can be found at on our Services pages.