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It's ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness month

October is ADHD awareness month. This year’s theme is: common questions, reliable answers. 

Throughout this month, we aim to remove the stigma surrounding Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), raise awareness of the condition, and show you how you can access support, should you need it. We’ll be sharing stories from young people and their parents about what it’s like living with ADHD. We’ll also be focussing on dispelling some of the myths around ADHD, like the common perception that only boys can get ADHD, or that it’s somehow caused by bad parenting.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults around the world. The behavioural symptoms include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Symptoms are usually noticed before the age of six.

At Berkshire Healthcare we have an experienced multi-disciplinary ADHD team who support children, young people and their parents. The team assess and provide treatment for young people between the ages of 6 and 18 who are suspected of having, or who have been diagnosed with, ADHD. The team is made up of consultant psychiatrists, staff grade psychiatrists, clinical nurse specialists, non-medical prescribers and assistant psychologists. We offer assessments and provide access to the appropriate support for the child or young person.

Keep an eye on our blog pages where we'll be posting lost of stories and articles, and check out our social media channels to find out all about ADHD, look out for #CYPFChats:

For more information about ADHD, and how our team can help you, visit our ADHD pages