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Exam stress

Exam stress

It's exam season again, and stress levels may be running high for young people.

Our CAMHS Anxiety and Depression team have written a fantastic blog with lots of advice on how to stay calm and cope with the pressure. Here are some of the top tips from that article:

  • Remember that exams aren't everything and they don't define you as a person.
  • Try not to compare yourself to others, or worry about how much revision others say they are doing.
  • Believe in yourself, and know you are doing your best. Turn your negative thoughts into positive ones: you CAN do this.
  • Talk to someone that you can trust if you're feeling overwhelmed.
  • Plan your study time, and plan some downtime too!
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: food, exercise, fresh air.

To ease feelings of stress you can try some deep breathing exercises:

  • Take a deep breath
  • Hold it for three seconds
  • Exhale audibly all at once and let your head, jaw and shoulders drop
  • Breathe easy ‘into’ your neck, jaw and shoulders and breathe again into the relaxed state
  • Repeat the cycle once or twice
Read the full blog

Read the full blog on dealing with exam stress here.

For more advice

The NHS website has information on helping your child beat exam stress

14 ways to beat exam stress, from Mind

Dealing with exam stress, from Student Minds

7 helpful tips for combatting exam stress in teens, from a psychologist