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Mental health support in GP surgeries


In partnership with selected GP surgeries, CAMHS recently introduced new Children and Young Person (CYP) Mental Health Support roles.

These roles provides specialist mental and emotional health and neurodiversity support for children, young people (under 18), and their families, including connecting them to the most appropriate support.

Mental Health Practitioners at these GP surgeries will offer consultations and mental health assessments by phone, online, or in person. They will provide highly specialised advice, care, or information to help children and young people access the support that is right for them.

The practitioners do not offer ADHD or autism assessments, but can help to connect you to alternative community services where possible.

You or your child may be a little worried about coming to your appointment, but it’s normal to feel a little anxious about meeting new people and being unsure of what to expect. We will make you feel as comfortable as possible when you visit our service, taking things at a pace that feels right for you in a non-judgemental environment.

At the appointment, you will meet with our CAMHS Mental Health Practitioner, who will do an assessment, or may offer a consultation. They will ask you and your child a range of questions that will better help them to understand your child’s current situation and the issues you are experiencing. From this they can find the best ways to help you and your child.

If there is anything you would prefer to discuss in private, or do not want the practitioner to discuss in the appointment, please call the surgery beforehand to either discuss this with the practitioner or pass this information along.

Some of the assessment questions might include (depending on age, neurodiversity and emotional development): 

  • What difficulties are you currently experiencing?
  • How long has the problem been around?
  • What is life like at school, and with family and friends?
  • How has your mood been recently? Have you been feeling low or stressed?
  • Are you, or is anyone around you, worried about your safety? For example; (depending on age) when a young people is struggling, sometimes it’s normal for them to find life difficult and have thoughts about harming themselves or not wanting to be alive.
  • What were you like when you were growing up? What has your life been like so far?
  • What things you are good at and enjoy?
  • What would you like to change or achieve by coming to us?
  • What type of help would you prefer?

 If you have any concerns regarding any of the questions, please contact the surgery beforehand to highlight this with the practitioner.

You might find it useful to write down how you have been feeling and what you have been experiencing before you come to your appointment so it’s easier to answer the questions. 

You don’t have to answer all the questions that you are asked, and there will be plenty of chance for you to ask them any questions too. 

Overall, this appointment is just so that CAMHS get a bit of a better understanding of who you are, and your situation. From this, CAMHS will decide if our services will help you, or if there other more appropriate services available they can connect you to.

Contact details for GPs in partnership with Berkshire Healthcare CAMHS


CAMHS for GP Primary Care Slough LOCC

Langley Health Centre: 01753 544288

The Orchard Surgery: 01753 542424

Chapel Medical Centre: 0300 024 0001

Cippenham Surgery: 01753 532006


CAMHS for GP Primary Care Windsor

Lee House Surgery: 01753 861612

Clarence Medical Centre: 01753 865773

Datchet Health Centre: 01753 541268

Runnymede Medical Practice: 01784 437671

Sheet Street Surgery: 01753 860335

South Meadow Surgery: 01753 864545


CAMHS for GP Primary Care Reading University Medical Group

University Health Centre: 0118 9874 551

Whitley Villa Surgery: 0118 987 4551


Want to give feedback?

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If you have not already been asked for feedback during the consultation, we would appreciate you providing using the link for your area below:


