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The Support Hope and Recovery Online Network (SHaRON) is a secure and confidential online platform, moderated by clinical staff, to enable parents, carers and young people to support each other and get expert advice.

SHaRON provides support and advice for families of young people with eating disorders; families of young people with autism or awaiting an assessment for autism; pregnant women and new mums with mental health difficulties.

Find our more about SHaRON

If you’re accepted onto SHaRON, you’ll be supported by our moderating team, which includes experienced clinicians, parents, carers and young people who have used Berkshire Healthcare services, and our partners in the voluntary sector.

Our team will share with you our understanding of the difficulties you’re facing.

We’ll be able to monitor how you’re getting on and identify possible problems, which enables us to respond quickly and get you the help you need. 

To keep our users safe, you need to be approved by our team to access SHaRON. You can ask to be referred to SHaRON through your GP or clinician.