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Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Service

We are a small friendly paediatric team comprising of specialist nurses and nursery nurses. We support children and young people up to 19 years of age experiencing delayed toilet training, daytime wetting, treatment-resistant night time wetting and chronic constipation and/or faecal soiling.

Once your child is referred into our service, we may contact you and provide you with a baseline bladder and bowel chart. This must be returned to our service within 28 days before an initial appointment (at home or in a clinic) is offered.

Our usual clinics across Berkshire are at West Berkshire Community Hospital, Upton Hospital Slough, St Marks Hospital Maidenhead, Bracknell and Wokingham.

Your first appointment will be an hour long. We complete a full bladder and bowel assessment guided by ERIC (the Children’s Bladder and Bowel Charity). We also create an individualised care plan for your child to promote their optimum potential for independence and suitability for toilet training.

We then provide you with an evidenced-based action plan, which might comprise of bladder training, regular toileting and toilet positioning, plus advice and guidance on the use of medication to control symptoms.

You’ll be given regular follow-up and support through telephone calls or face to face contact. We also work closely with your child’s school if applicable, and provide schools with a bladder and bowel treatment plan.

Children with additional needs will be assessed as to their suitability to toilet train in the first instance.

Some children struggle more than others when learning to use the toilet. This can be for a variety of reasons. We understand how very stressful this is for parents. 

We offer free workshops for families of children with additional needs in Berkshire covering: 

  • Toilet training – trouble shooting the difficulties you are experiencing 
  • How to help your child have a healthy bladder and bowel 
  • Specific information for families with a child or young person with additional needs 

It also provides you with the opportunity for you to ask those difficult questions about toilet training in a safe space. Workshops could be face to face or online. 

To book a place on a workshopplease fill in this form and we will email you to confirm your place.

Prior to referral

Children and young people should receive level 1 bladder and bowel input by healthcare professionals in primary care such as a health visitor, school nurse or community nurse, GP or paediatrician for a minimum of three months. This may include advice and support on constipation, toilet training problems or bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), to promote continence and help in the prevention of treatable conditions such as constipation. 


As a specialist bladder and bowel service, referrals are accepted for complex bladder and bowel problems, idiopathic constipation, day and night time wetting, and children with additional needs whose toileting has been delayed and are unresponsive to level 1 input and toilet training at home.

A referral will be made to a consultant paediatrician/consultant paediatric urologist if red flags are present for medical review.

If you are a professional and wish to make a referral please complete the Paediatric bladder and bowel referral form and return it to integratedhub@berkshire.nhs.uk

If you are a parent/carer

Children and young people can be referred by a healthcare professional involved in their care, for example a school nurse, health visitor, GP or paediatrician. If you are a parent/carer, please speak to one of these people about making a referral.

Phone: 01189 046540 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Email: continence@berkshire.nhs.uk

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