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Berkshire School-Aged Immunisation Team

Welcome to the School Aged Immunisation Team page. Here we give you an overview of our service.

Please visit our Immunisations pages for more information on childhood vaccinations.

We are a team of qualified nurses, healthcare assistants and administration staff.

We offer the flu vaccination to all primary school aged children and all children regardless of age in special needs schools. In Year 8 and 9, we offer the HPV vaccination to all young people. In Year 9, all young people are offered the DTP (their 5th booster of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Meningitis ACWY, and we offer the MMR vaccine to anyone who has missed one or more doses.

Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Not only do they protect yourself, but also others in the community, by helping to stop diseases spreading to others that are unable to have a vaccination.

Diseases such as smallpox, polio and tetanus that used to kill or disable millions of people are either gone or seen very rarely now in the UK.

However, if people stop having vaccines, it's possible for infectious diseases to quickly spread again.

Routine vaccinations

When your child or young person is due a routine vaccination, if they attend an educational setting you will be sent a link to a consent form for the vaccination/s due from the setting. The vaccination will then be generally given in the education setting by our team.

If the child or young person does not attend an educational setting, has been unable to be vaccinated via an educational setting, or has not been contacted by the local authority to complete a consent form

Please complete the form in the link below to request an appointment with the School Aged Specialist Immunisation Team.  

Parents and carers, health service providers, education professionals, social care workers and partnership agencies are welcome to make a request. 

The referral will be assessed, and you will be contacted with details of any vaccinations that are due and how you can easily access them such as on our Health Bus, at a clinic or a specialist clinic.

Please fill in the request form here (opens in new window).

The Berkshire School Aged Immunisation Team can be contacted for advice and to book appointments, Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm by telephone or email.

Telephone: 0300 365 0077


For children & young people who live or attend a school in Reading, Wokingham or West Berkshire: Westschoolimms@berkshire.nhs.uk

For children & young people who live or attend a school in Bracknell, Slough or Windsor and Maidenhead: Eastschoolimms@berkshire.nhs.uk 

Phone: 0300 365 0077

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