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About our Public Health Nursing services

Public Health Nursing includes Health Visiting, School Nursing and Immunisation services. We provide practical support and health advice to all children, young people and their families.

We work in various locations including your family home, children’s centres, schools and GP surgeries. All our staff are trained and qualified to work with children.

Our Public Health nursing service covers the areas health visiting, immunisations and school nursing within Berkshire. Accessing the service will depend on your needs, as the services offered by each of these areas are all different. We will always provide the highest level of joined up service for your needs.

National Healthy Child Programme

Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust’s Children, Young People and Families integrated division provides services to fulfill the National Healthy Child Programme across West Berkshire, Reading, Wokingham and Bracknell. As a provider of community and mental health services we have immediate access to our wider healthcare team helping with identification, assessment and interventions for health/wellbeing and resilience in partnership with Local Authorities, schools, community and voluntary sector.



Health visiting

Health visitors are registered nurses and midwives with an additional community public health qualification. We offer support and practical advice on many aspects of child development as well as family health.


The School Aged Immunisation team consists of registered nurses and healthcare support workers who are commissioned by NHS England to deliver the National School Aged Programme of Immunisations across Berkshire. These programmes are mainly delivered in schools, but may be delivered in community clinics or homes for children who are unable to access school-based provisions.

School nursing

We support the health and wellbeing of school-aged children and young people who attend state maintained schools, free schools and academy schools, as well as those who are home educated, in Berkshire. 

Health visiting

You will be offered a number of routine appointments after the birth of your baby. You can also see a member of the health visiting team at your local Child Health Clinic or contact us for any concerns or advice by phoning or emailing our duty advice lines. We also run Well Baby Clinics where a health professional is available for a brief consultation about your child's health and where you can have your baby weighed.


We’ll send a consent form home to you, via the school, to ask for your consent for your child to be vaccinated when they’re due the next vaccine on the national schedule.The school will then tell you when we will be coming to your child’s school to immunise your child. If your child is home educated, or not fully accessing the curriculum, they can be immunised at their local community clinic by our team.

School nursing

No referral is necessary for routine height and weight measurement or hearing and vision checks; however, a referral will be required for other services such as to attend a bed wetting clinic.