Kirstie is the Professional Development Lead Health Visiting and Infant Feeding Lead for Berkshire Healthcare
Summer safety

I think the one thing we can all possibly agree on is that the weather during this lockdown has been wonderful! We have lots more sunny days to come too so with that in mind, our blog today is all about summer safety. Thinking of your little ones at home who are into exploring, some of this information may come in very handy!
Window safety
First of all, let’s think about our homes. The first thing we do when the weather gets a little warmer is to throw open all the windows and let the fresh air in. But when the temperature is increasing, like we’ve seen in the last few days, the best thing you can do to keep your home cool is actually to keep windows and blinds or curtains closed. Think about where the sun rises and sets in your home and make sure you keep those windows closed when the sun hits them the most.
If you are opening your windows, think about your little ones. Whether they are just about to crawl or are in full on toddler “lets run and climb and jump everywhere” mode, we need to consider the safety of our windows and window catches.
If you can, move any furniture you do have away from the window, especially if your little one uses use it as a climbing frame!
The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) recommends fitting window locks. The video below shows what these look like.
Water safety
How great is that paddling pool for keep our kids entertained? I know it can be a real struggle to get them to come out at times can’t it? Follow these simple guidelines to make sure you and your little ones can get the most out of the water.
- Make sure they’re supervised at all times. Leave your phone inside and enjoy the water with them and if an older child is there too, don’t leave them in charge as they can become easily distracted
- Babies and young children are especially at risk. They can drown in less than 2 inches of water in less than 20 seconds. Young children don’t splash around when they are in trouble, they can just slip under the water
- Empty those paddling pools while they aren’t in use and if you are keeping the water in them, make sure you take out all those toys – toddlers will try to get their favourite toy and could easily fall in
- If you are taking a walk by a river or lake, be sure to hang onto your children at all times. Don’t let them wander off as they could easily slip
Watch this video on water safety from East Berkshire CCG
Sun safety
I’m sure we’re all enjoying nice sunny walks and rides. If your baby or toddler is in their pram or buggy, don’t cover it with a blanket, muslin or any other covering that will stop the air from circulating. Babies can easily overheat but also you won’t be able to see them. You can get clip on sunshades or parasols which may protect them from the sun a little.
Make sure when you do go outside that babies and young children are wearing suitable clothing; loose fitting clothes that are made from close weave such as shorts and t shirts or loose cotton dresses are great. Also make sure the head is covered with a cap or hat.
Use a sunscreen to cover all exposed areas such and don’t forget places like the neck and behind the ear. Use SPF30 as a minimum for young children. It needs to be applied before going out into the sun to allow time for it to soak into the skin. Make sure to re-apply regularly.
The hottest part of the day is between 11-3pm – avoid it if you can but if you are out and about, this is a great time to find a big shady tree and enjoy your picnic!
If you’re struggling to encourage to your child to let you put on suncream or wear a hat this video may help!
Safe sleeping
We’ve all experienced those hot summer nights where you can’t sleep. Babies can’t tell us they are too hot and so rely on us to control their temperatures so they don’t overheat at night.
The Lullaby Trust suggests that you:
- Close the blinds or curtains during the day to stop the room your baby sleeps in from getting too hot
- Put a fan in the bedroom to help circulate the air, but make sure it is out of reach and not pointed directly at your baby
- Reduce layers; just a nappy with no bedding is fine in hot weather
- Monitor the temperature with a room thermometer
Thanks for reading. Let’s take the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather, safely. Have a great bank holiday weekend!
Visit our Child Safety information pages for more.