Information correct as of 8 February 2024
What is happening with the supply issues affecting ADHD medication?
As you may know there has been a shortage of ADHD medications, particularly from the end of September 2023, and this is still ongoing. This has been caused by a combination of manufacturing issues and an increase in global demand. This has meant:
- we could not start anyone on ADHD medication (this has been paused since the end of September)
- some people already on ADHD medication had their treatment affected.
Medication shortages are showing some improvement although there are still a number of medication types and strengths affected by the shortages. For some medication, there may continue to be supply issues until April.
We know this has been a difficult time for you/your child.
What does this mean for those waiting to start ADHD medication?
We’re now able to start offering medication appointments again and will be in touch as soon as we can offer an appointment. We’ll be working in date order as this is the fairest way. Please be patient - we are doing everything we can to offer as many appointments as we can. Because all services were asked to stop starting anyone on ADHD medication from the end of September 2023, it will take us a while to work through everybody who is waiting.
What does this mean for those already on ADHD medication whose treatment has been affected by shortages?
This will depend on what the type and the strength of medication that you/your child has been prescribed.
Intunviv/Guanfacine: it is very important that you do not make any changes to the current dose unless this has specifically been advised by your ADHD clinician. This is because there are potentially serious risks to your child if changes to this medication are not made in the correct way. Please contact your ADHD clinician for advice if they have not already been in touch with you.
For other ADHD medications, please follow the guidance of your ADHD clinician or contact them if you have any concerns. Please be patient if there is any delay as we are supporting a large number of children and young people who have been affected by the shortages. Please request repeat medication at least 2 weeks before the current prescription runs out. You may want to telephone pharmacies to check what they have available as supply of medications can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy.