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Keyworking Team, Berkshire West

The Keyworking Team, Berkshire West, works with children and young people aged up to 25 years old, who have a diagnosis of autism and/or a learning disability, who are at risk of admission to a psychiatric hospital/unit, to give them some extra support.

We work on behalf of people aged 0-25 years old and their families/carers. We work directly with young people and their familly to get to know them, work out exactly what they need, and help them to get it.

We work as a point of contact for young people and their families to navigate the Health, Education, Social Care and Voluntary Sector, working with them for as long as they need us to.

We will build and maintain positive, appropriate and trusting relationships with young people and their families. We will challenge systems at all levels to unblock barriers and make sure young people's needs are met to reduce risks.

We may support you by visiting you at home, in the community or at school/college/your place of work, talk to you or your family on the telephone and help you and your family to talk to professionals and to attend meetings with you.

We will ensure all those on the Dynamic Support Register (please see Easy Read leaflet within Further Resources section below) have a clear personalised plan that promotes their needs and that all Care (Education) and Treatment Review recommendations and actions are completed in a timely manner.

To access Keyworker support, the child/young person needs to:

  • Have a diagnosis of a learning disability, autism or both
  • Be aged 0-25 years old
  • Be at a potential risk of inpatient admission to a mental health unit/hospital
  • Be eligible for the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and rated as being at crisis point (red/amber)
  • Be registered with a Berkshire West GP (Wokingham, Reading & West Berkshire) or be a child in care out of county, but remain under the responsbillity of Berkshire West ICB commission

If you know someone aged 0-25 who may be suitable for the Keyworking Team, Berkshire West service, please contact the team for an initial discussion.


0118 904 2600

Our opening hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

To make a referral

We accept referrals from professionals, as well as parents and carers and young people themselves.

Please fill in our referral form and email it to: keyworkingDSR@berkshire.nhs.uk